Hi Fern-Tanaka CSA Members!
Mark your calendars! We will OFFICIALLY begin picking up our CSA produce at Fern on Tuesday November 3rd!
Note: If you have not dropped off your check at the Fern office yet, please do that this week by Wednesday, October 28 before deliveries start!!
THANKS TO ALL OF YOU -- We’re going to get the program off the ground and charge ahead!!!! We even managed to pick up a local corporate sponsor who will promote the Fern-Tanaka CSA program within their company as part of an employee wellness and community outreach program. If you know of a local Torrance company that may also be interested in our CSA, please let us know! This is a great way to grow the support for Fern.
A big “thank-you” to everyone who has been telling your friends and neighbors! “Word-of-mouth” has been the best form of advertising and has obviously been very effective!
We are going to have a display in front of the school this Tuesday Oct 27 from 1:40pm to 3:20pm - if you know of anyone who is interested ask them to come by!
So now that we are on our way, what do we do???
Here’s how the pick-ups will work:
- Pick-ups will be on Tuesdays from 1:40pm – 3:30pm
- You will receive a reminder message on Mondays if you have a pick up scheduled that week
- You can pick up your fruits and veggies inside the main entrance ofFern Elementary School
- Eri, or another CSA member will be around during the pick-up time each Tuesday to help with any questions
- Make sure to sign next to your name on the “Pick-Up Form” so we know you received your produce!
- Bring a bag or two! Reusable grocery bags are perfect.
- Transfer your fruits and veggies from the box to your bags and stack your empty box for pick up later on
- ENJOY your freshly harvested food!
As of right now, everyone is scheduled for the first pick-up on Tuesday November 3rd. You can postpone a delivery ahead of time if you will be out of town – the best way to do this is to use the FernCSA@gmail.com e-mail.
If something has come up the day of your delivery and you can’t make the pick-up, we can take the box home for you and bring it back to school the next day. Just e-mail or call if you can to let us know.
Congratulations to everyone on helping to form this group and getting it up and running successfully!
We’ll be doing our best to keep everyone updated on scheduled pick-ups and news – but if you have questions any time, e-mail us at FernCSA@gmail.com.
That’s all for now!
Eri and Jason
Fern PTA - CSA Volunteers