Hi Everyone,
We hope everyone enjoyed the first delivery! Remember, you can always send a message to FernCSA@gmail.com or visit the Tanaka Farms web site at www.tanakafarms.com/CSA_Newsletter.html for information about your produce.
We will include the Tanaka Farms Newsletter link in each update - they write every week about what's going on at the farm. Here is this week's update in full...
"LETTUCE, LETTUCE, LETTUCE!!!!!!!!! It is fall and almost winter and that is what grows best! No more limp and smog burned leaves but bright, plump, succulent and juicy!!! Enjoy that crisp salad. Be adventurous, slice the radishes and turnips and toss into that salad to give it some crunch! Oh, what radishes.....what turnips?????? We have a new pest in our mists, the Bagrada Bug, also called a painted or harlequin bug, was first found in June 2008 in Los Angeles Co. California, and is now widely distributed in LA and Orange Counties.
The following info came from the UC Riverside website concerning this pest. "Damage is inflicted on host plants when adults and nymphs insert their needle-like mouth parts and suck juices from the plant. Feeding results in large stippled or wilted areas on leaves. Often the growth of newly formed central shoots or heads of plants become stunted. Populations can build up quickly reaching damaging densities that require control. Heaviest infestations are typically observed in organic farms, community gardens, and residential vegetable gardens were little or no pesticides are used."
It was quite a sight to see. I walked the field one morning feeling proud and wonderful admiring what a wonderful crop of radishes and turnips that would become from the row that I was looking at that had just germinated a few weeks ago. The tiny leaves had that beautiful shade of green and not a leaf had been touched by a worm or not a seedling was pecked out of the ground by birds. The next afternoon as I walked the farm I came across that row of radishes and turnips. They were looking even better than the day before! As I walked down the row to the other end of the field. something looked strange. Those beautiful tiny little leaves were looking wilted and brown. The farther down the row I walked, the worse it looked. Many seedlings were so shriveled, it looked as though they would not make it. The next day, the damaged area spread, and the day after that it spread some more. As I looked at the soil surface, there were so many bagrada bugs that it looked as if the soil was moving. They were all over the tiny speedlings sucking the life out of the plants. As I stood there in amazement, I notice them all over my boots. It gave me the heebie-jeebies.
So, what do we do? There are synthetic pesticides that will take care of them but since we grow things organically, it is a tough battle. I will have to plant more crop in hopes of having enough to survive to supply all of my subscribers and spray more often with our organic material that will hopefully repel the bugs. Both approaches are very costly and there are no guarantees that they will be the solution.
You may be asking, "Why plant radishes and turnips anyways, I don't really care for them." I worry about them because the badraga bug loves everything in the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Family, which includes important foods like cabbage, kale, cauliflower, mustard, broccoli, turnip and radish. The Bagrada bug has also been recorded attacking papaya, potato, maize, sorghum, cotton, capers, and some legumes. Yes I am worried and concerned.
Wish me luck in my new battle!!!!"
Since the first delivery, we've had one more member join! We are now up to 16 members - a very healthy group - we'd like to grow by about 10 more over the next couple months if possible. We know there are others out there who have expressed an interest and we hope to welcome them as word gets around!
If you'd like to get information on local orgainc farmin in the area, there is a great blog by LA Farm Girl at http://lafarmgirl.blogspot.com/ ... we highly recommend her site - it contains a wealth of information! She even wrote a book entitled "Farming in Torrance and The South Bay" - we plan to get a copy from her and we'll pass on a review as soon as w e read it.
Weekly members remember to pick up your delivery this Tuesday!
Eri & Jason